Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yeah something is working :-)

Just met with one of the doctors again, they are impressed with the progress we have made in the last 4 days. My liver levels are still coming down. They said 4 days ago one of my values was well over 1000 and now it is down to 70, which is still high but that is the direction that they are wanting to see my levels go, and all of the ones they are following closely are doing the same thing. I am not out of the red zone yet but I am out of the inferred red zone. And my temperature hasn't gone back through the roof. The doctors can't exactly say why it is turning, but I can say prayer works, and I am part of a miracle far bigger then me. :-)


preyingjaws said...

stomping by to say Hi.
glad to hear you are doing better.
rest well & enjoy this spring day.

Lisa said...

Glad you're doing better, that's an answer to so many prayers. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! It's great to hear this news!