Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Another chance for God to be Glorified

Result are back from the Liver Biopsy, My body is being a punk and not wanting to share real-estate with somebody who is really good for me and is in my best interest to get along with.

My body is rejecting the new liver. :-( I am still at civil war.

The have up my immunosuppressant drugs. To fight back and cause them to play nice.

Lord thank you that all of this will work out for for your glory and that all my friends and family will be part of the Miracle.


Anonymous said...

We're praying for you, Micah! Be assured that I have my alarm set to pray for you every hour while I'm at work. May God be glorified through you!

Anonymous said...

Micah - Your ability to write about this in a humorous way is a blessing. You put a smile on my face this morning. God is at work through you! Our prayers are with you. -Nancy Henry