Monday, March 27, 2006

Same old same old

Were has the month of March gone? Oh yeah I spent it in the hospital, getting woke up every few hours for this IV Antibiotics, or taking vitals or just having to go to the bathroom... Yesterday I pretty much slept the morning away and most of the afternoon by evening I did manage to go for 3 short walks before bed. I haven't had much strength to do anything just lay around and try to sleep between interruptions. So last night I think a lot of the extra sleep caught up to me so at 4 this morning I couldn't sleep but didn't want to do anything so I just laid in bed and waited for the next fun to come.

2Co 13:4 For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him to serve you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Micah,

We are still praying for you and are encouraged by your bravery! Dax and I would like to visit you sometime...we'll get in touch with someone who has your number.

God bless you brother!

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah,
You're in my prayers friend! I miss not seeing you and having fun and frustrating nerd conversations! I'd like to come visit this week, I'll ask Joe for the details! Stay strong friend, you're awesome!

Anonymous said...


Greetings pal. Hey, just learned about your blog. I'm going to call and come visit. How about promoting your favorite local parachurch on your links there, come on, I thought we were friends! Ha Ok, get better, I need you to often for you to stay sick too long!!!

Love you brother in Jesus!

Standing Together,


Anonymous said...

Talked to your grandpa yesterday at church. Continuing to pray for you and for your family. Was going through some old photos yesterday and saw several of you (Christmas card photos, Family Camp photos, etc).

Am glad you are keeping your blog up-to-date. It's one of the first things I do each check your blog to find out how you are doing. And then I email friends that are praying for you
