Sunday, April 02, 2006

After about a month of not doing anything I finally got stir crazy, and wanted to get out and see something different. I can't complain at all, I can be quite content most of the time where I am at. But today, was just so beautiful outside it hit me that I want to go for a drive and take pictures of something, don't really care what just want to be outa here. We went to Walmart this morning you know when the "Good" people are in Church, and the store is less crowded. My mom had a list of things she wanted to do today like pay bills :-( and I am like today is not a day to sit inside lets go for a drive. So I told her that we will come back and pay bills at night and mail them in the morning. Lets go! So we drove up to Park City and I had the window open, it was wonderful! I got to see the mountains again.

Then when we got home it was still so nice outside I went for a walk out on the street from my apartment to 600 E. turned around walked to 500E. Turned around walked back around the back of my place and then back home. No long distance marathon runner yet. But it was definitely a first to walk outside farther then to the car, car-to-store-to-car.

We even had time to still pay bills tonight to make my mom happy :-)


Anonymous said...

Micah! I'm so glad you're home!! YAY GOD!!!

Anonymous said...

It WAS a beautiful day!!! I didn't really do much to enjoy it and I wish I had! I'm glad you did though.
I'm glad you're home!

Anonymous said...

Micah, Yesterday certainly was such a gorgeous day and I am so glad you were able to get out and enjoy it. Sounds like you are really enjoying being back home. We are praying that God will bless you as you continue to recover.
Katrina :)