Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Update from Becky

I wish I had something exciting to write about.
It's just another day in Utah.
And it is 4:30 p.m. already!!
BUT!! One exciting thing is that the snow is melting again!!

Well, for a day that has started at a turtle's pace... it went like the rabbit who won the race!!
It's almost dinner time again! And then it will be bed time already!!

Now for an update on Micah.
Well, Ever since Micah was little he has been a human barometer. His body would always tell him if a storm was coming even before we knew a storm was in the forecast! So these two days has had Micah feeling under the weather some. He hasn't felt up to doing much... including his Blogspot. :-(
Stormy weather is rough on Micah.
So, I decided to tell you what we have been doing today...

I have spent today cleaning... Vacuuming, wash kitchen floor, cleaning & organizing a book case, going through Micah's dresser drawers and getting rid of Clothes that he has had since Jr. High
School. Yes, I have been doing jobs that have needed to be done for some time especially getting rid of the old clothes and cleaning out drawers. I still have one more room to tackle... the "junk" room or storage room that I am now sleeping in. It's not too bad, but it needs some organization. I'll have Micah's apartment looking like a home soon! :-) Micah confesses that he was a little worried about mom coming to help him in the beginning, but that it's been going surprisingly well. I just have to be patient and throw things out slowly! :-) I can't just toss everything all in one day! :-) Just have to sneak a few things into the trash - one item at a time! 42 days... 42 items in the trash! :-) No... I'm only kidding... I make sure to get his approval first. And we have thrown out more than that! :-)

Micah is saying he is getting hungry, so I better get his dinner now. His wish is my command!
Love, Becky