Monday, April 17, 2006

Wow 40 Days...

A lot has happened in the last 40 days. I have been on quite a roller coaster of a ride. With ups and downs and unexpected twists in the road. I am definitely ready for this roller coaster to be coming to an end and let me off. Sunday was a pretty good day. I have the normal problems of moving is a pain and difficult. My ankles/knees/legs and belly look like overfilled water balloons. Overall today was a pretty good day, in many ways it has been like so many other days the last few weeks where I spend it relaxing in a recliner watching movies.

But today was also different in that I set up my bike on my bike trainer, and I freaked my mom out. I have been wanting to ride for quite some time. My mom didn't see how this was possible. "You can't lift your leg that high to get on the bike". So the rebellious part of me wanted to prove her wrong. I know bad reason/modivation, not listening to my mom. I also new that it would be good forcing the muscles to pump and maybe move some of this fluid. Last year when I broke my ankle rock climbing I figured out how to ride my bike with the walking boot so I new I could do basically the same thing again. And so I did. I got on the bike no problem. Since the bike is on a trainer not going anywhere it is a lot easier to throw the leg behind the seat getting on then lifting it over to top bar straddling the bike to get on. It is just about a little balance. Of coarse I didn't have the energy to ride for very long, I think I made it 3 or 4 minutes, but riding for a long time wasn't really the point. It felt really good from my waist down, my back muscles didn't like it to much since they have been under worked the last month. So now I have a new activity I can do.

Also today Ryan and Christina stopped by and it was really good to spend some time talking and laughing, praying. That is one thing that I have really missed being in this state of no immune system can't be around people that are sick. I miss hanging out with my friends and family. So I am praying that this will be over with soon so I can get back to my social life. And besides there is a wedding coming up in a few months that I need to be able to go to. :-)

My mom has been wanting Applebees for quite some time so today as our special "Easter" dinner we went out and had it ToGo came home and had a pretty good dinner.

My hope is that I can have more days like today where I am able to more then just sit in a chair with my feet up. But we will see what God has in store for me tomorrow.


Lisa said...

That's so awesome that you got to ride your bike!!! Glad you had a good day yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Hey Micah! Sorry I didn't get to say Happy Resurrection Day to you, I don't have the internet at home. I am glad to hear you had a nice Easter and that a couple people (Christina and Ryan) are healthy enough to see you ;-) TOO MANY GERMS around here! After not checking this for a few days and then reading all at once to catch up, it is ridiculous how up and down, every other day, you are! I pray and pray for it to be an UP day EVERY DAY. You're done with the rollercoaster ride!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a good day yesterday! That you had company, that you had Applebee's for Easter dinner, that you rode you bike! It's my prayer that day will be even better!

Anonymous said...

Hi Micah,
I haven't checked your site for a few days, and Sierra told me about your pregnancy, boy was I surprised!! What will these doctors come up with next? Well one thing you can really thank God for is not having to actually deliver that baby!! (You really do look pregnant, and you know all the symptoms, what books have you been reading?)
You're always in my prayers, for a normal life soon!
ps say hi to your mom.

preyingjaws said...

Hey Micah,
Glad to hear you're getting a little exercise.
Hope you get better soon. We need to go shoot some people (click, click). The Latino Rally was highly interesting.
