Saturday, May 06, 2006

Well I did it...

I got my walk in. Today we went to REI they are having a big sale this week. I had fun looking at all the really fun toys that are way out of my price range, and things that I don’t really need. We didn’t leave completely empty handed. My mom helped me pick a hat that was wide enough keep the sun off my ears/neck and face. It is going to be a real pain living in Utah and having to be extra careful to stay out of the sun. Some of the drugs I am on make my skin extra sensitive.We went to the Salt Lake County Library today and got to walk around outside for a bit. There is a new Utah Donors memorial there. We looked for my dad’s name but weren’t able to find it. When he passed away he was a Utah organ donor. My mom had never been to the Library here so when we walked in her jaw dropped by how big they made it and the design of the building 5 stories tall. So I didn’t make it on a hike that I wanted to go on, and get pictures but I did get to spend some time outside so I am not complaining at all. One of these days I will be back up to speed and able to do more of the things I want to do. So in the mean time I can burn of the extra energy on my bike on the trainer.

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