Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Another Uneventful day

I have had so much drama and things going on in my life over the last several weeks it has been easy to post things to the blog that are new and different. Now as life continues to slow down a bit and my recovery and healing goes on less new drama surrounds my life. I don’t mind at all. I like the simple boring life for a while. It just makes posting things to the blog site hard, cause I have already said it all before. My energy goes up and down. My extra water weight has almost all come off and it feels so good to be able to move normal again. So now I am trying to push myself to do more things on my own and not take the lazy approach mom can you get me this... Now I am trying to get things on my own more. One day at a time, we’ll see what God does next :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Micah, I am thinking of you. I wish you were well enough to go to my graduation Saturday. You and mom will be missed! April Hewes