Sunday, September 10, 2006

An answer to my prayers!

In January The Rock Church announced that in september they were going to plan an overnighter at Camp Utaba in september. When I heard that I was very excited and really wanted to go. My prayer was that I would be healthy enough to go with my church family and friends back to the place I grew up at. 1st time going to camp as a guest from Salt Lake City. I had witnessed it many times from the other end as people got there or as they left but I was never part of the whole adventure.

Well even though I am not doing very well health wise. My eyes and skin are becoming more and more yellow and my belly is retaining more and more fluid (again). My mom didn’t think I should plan on going. What if the hospital calls what if you come down sick, what if your drains leak... what if... etc. Can’t we go up and check into the hotel in the valley... “Mom, you are missing the point of the whole overnighter”, “I have my fears and concerns also, but God has got it all figured out.” I am going to trust that God will stop me if I am not suppose to go. He could easily put me in the hospital or make me to sick to move. I am not going to not go on this overnighter and miss what God is doing at the Rock Church for the off chance that in the same 24 hours that I am gone the hospital will call.

I know God has a sense of humor but even his humor works out for his Glory!

So I went and I am so glad I did. It was a neat trip, and a great time to fellowship with family and friends. The thing that would have made the trip that much better for me would have been if my belly was miraculously healed and it wasn’t distracting me with the normal pains and uncomfortableness.

God is doing some great things here in the Salt Lake valley and I hope that I can be in a place were God can use the gifts and talents he has given me for His Glory and purposes.

<>< One life at a time, One world in our lifetime <><


Anonymous said...

glad you got to go.... keep smilin, lov ya... say hi to your mom jim c

Anonymous said...

It was so good to talk to you breifly yesterday. I am so happy for you that you got to go back to the place you grew up. There is a certain spirit about camp Utaba, and it is so easy to get lost in the beuty around up there. i am sure it was good for you. body, mind and soul. I am glad that you are still in the fight, even though you are having problems right now. I know without a doubt that God has a miraculous plan for you, what ever that may be. Hang in there and know you are loved by many.
love ya Eleisha