Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More fun with the Doctors

Today, I was once again back up at the hospital (but not to stay). This time they wanted to check on the drains going into my liver. It had been a while since they were looked at so they felt it was time to stir them up a bit again. The amount of fluid they were draining had gone down. No body knows what the proper amount should be so it all becomes guess work. I on the other hand don’t like the guessing game when it comes to the drains. I don’t like them messed with. It seems like I go to great lengths to protect them so they don’t hurt to much. Just like the entire body is designed to protect the Pupil in the eye at nearly all costs. My body is getting to the point where it is working extra hard to keep the drains from being accidently pulled or bumped.

But today I didn’t have that option. I had to lay on my back and let the doctor pull them out and put new ones in. They gave me a local anesthetic, so they could get in there and work, but the needle still hurts going in. And then after it is all numb there are the strange pressures I feel as they work. So overall it is not a pleasant experience.

The good part this time was it wasn’t nearly as painful as previous time. I had some fentenal patches that I was given the last time I was in the hospital to manage pain for 72 hours. I had been saving a couple for day like this. So before we went my pain tolerance was already altered.

The doctors didn’t report anything particularly new. It just continues to be a waiting game. Who is going to make the first move? My liver turns for the worse and becomes life threatening, or God provides a liver that fixes things, or God opens some other door to humor us. :-) Because you know he can do whatever he wants and our ways are not always his ways.

On a different note: Did you guys get a chance to see how big the moon was last night, and how amazing it looked? I had to go out and take some pictures of it. But of coarse a camera can’t do it justice. I will post pictures of it later, if any turned out. :-)


Anonymous said...

Micah, I saw the moon! It made me long for camp! I am so glad you are sill persisting. I am praying for you and mom! take care, I love you. April Hewes

Anonymous said...

Micah, I really like the one with the moon over the city. Very beautiful.

Debbie Davis :)