Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Same song... (still) I have forgotten what verse I am on

(Note: I thought I posted this one already but it didn’t go through so here it is... 8/29 )

Same song, I have forgotten what verse I am on. I don’t have anything new to report. We still continue to wait for God to provide what I need. We still sit on the transplant list waiting for a match. It is a very hard place to be. Waiting for someone to die, so doctors can take them apart and use them for other people.

My liver still has issues. I have been fighting low-grade fevers, after more fevers, my body temperature has been up and down so much, I feel like I am on the end of a bouncing Slinky. I wake up and I could have a fever, then after a few hours it will be down and then the about the time I am feeling like the fever has left and I could consider doing something, on comes the next one. So at the end of the day I haven’t done much of anything. Including updating the blog.

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