Sunday, January 07, 2007

I guess fun is relative...

To somebody who is at full health and able to be hired by someone to take care of their big tank is more practicle then setting up your own big tank. In my 2 bedroom apartment where would I even put it so it can be enjoyed. So yes on the previous post I hope you were able to catch a bit of the sarcastic humor.

When I was young 2nd or 3rd grade my parents got me a small 2 gallon fishtank. I thought oh that would be fun again set it up and put a beta or something in it. Well upon further inspection it’s age is starting to really show, 20+ years I think we might have gotten our money’s worth on that one. There were heat/stress fractures showing in the plastic, the heater died, while we were setting it up. How sad it won't run forever.

The other thing my mom hated the idea of cleaning tanks. So we were looking and what do you want in it. And as we listed fish that would be fun to watch suddenly 2 gallon was not big enough. I was planning after surgery to start a 10 gallon tank. But when you have gift cards “Burning a hole in the pocket”, It is hard to pass up a deal. My mom didn’t want a big tank, she wanted something like 5 gal or less thinking she would have to move it to the kitchen to clean it. After talking to sales people and others (internet), and my limited prior experience with 10gal tanks you don’t move them once they are put in place cleaning and everything happens there. Also with a bigger tank if you don’t fill it with lots of fish they don’t need cleaned as often. She liked that idea. What started out as going to be a small project has now changed into something much larger, then I even expected. It is a great distraction, and a lot of fun to watch. And take pictures of :-)

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