Friday, January 05, 2007

All I need is one more... thing

It is sad how quickly I can get bored of things. And I will go off in search of that which will break up my day distract me from my troubles, only to fine out later that I am bored of that hobby as well.

When I was a small kid, people would always comment about how my toys were in pretty good condition or that I had so many. He is a spoiled, because he is an only child. Well that wasn’t true. My dad didn’t make a lot of money, so for several years we were living from paycheck to paycheck. And the “New” toys were often gifts from others. So when I did get it something it was special. I had to take care of it make it last. If I was careless and it broke we weren’t going to buy a new one.

My mom had this thing also (I didn’t know it at the time, but learned later) she would watch me play and see what I was playing with, and which toys were on the shelf not being touched. She would take the neglected toy and make it “disappear” for a while and replace it with one of the other “disappeared” toys. So because I hadn’t seen it for a while it became a “new” toy again. Using this technique it was easy for her to see over time what I liked playing with and what I didn’t so as much as I fought not wanting give my toys away she was able too “Clean out the closet” every now and then.

So now fast forward several years. I don’t have anyone looking over my shoulder watching me play. My “toys” are now bigger and more expensive. And upgrade-able or expandable become my favorite things on package labels, and the death to my bank account. :-) Only this much for more memory, this much for a camera filter, etc.

One thing I love doing, almost to the point where some might rate it as an addiction. I love finding “free” software on the Internet, it is almost like treasure hunting. I love being able to make the computer do more without spending any money. Some of my most favorite “utilities/tools” and killer apps, are freeware. Unfortunately the really good programs for video editing, or photography (digital darkroom apps) I haven’t found a free solution. Some come close to being that “treasure” I am looking for, but usually something is missing. Yes I know that there are places on the net I could go and download the program for free but I don’t like running pirated software because usually the sites that you have to go through to get the programs are not safe or child friendly.

So it is sad that I am never satisfied, always wanting one more this or that. I now know why it is good for man to work. Being sick and stuck in a chair most of the day. Can make you nuts. So I have tried all these different hobbies which definitely help pass the time. I have tried video games, movies, tv programs, photography (hard to find new subjects when the walls don’t change), knitting, crocheting, cross-stich, computer games, browsing the internet, blogging. And have gotten the same result. To much of any thing is still to much and leads to boredom. But maybe the next hobby will be different.

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