Friday, November 24, 2006

So much for going shopping

I am now back in the hospital.

It is always something new. This time I was throwing up blood. The doctors don’t like hearing things like that. So from emergency room it is straight to ultrasound where I got a another parasentisis tap. Which didn’t really do much other then hurt. Then it is up to ICU for a few days. And more tests.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well I am have a lot to be thankful for this year. God has provided for all of my needs this year.

Even though things haven’t worked out in the time scale/frame that I wanted it to happen, God has not given me more then I can bare.

Oh by the way I have made it a week out of the hospital and can enjoy my recliner chair, I know I need to walk but it is so comfy and my full belly keeps me down.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where has Micah gone?

I am free! (Sort of) after 33 days in a row I have been discharged now we will see how long it is before I am back in. And what will bring me back this time?

Updated Statistics: (Days spent in Hospital 104)
September - 10
October - 29
November - 24

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

So what is up with Micah?

In an effort fight off bordem I have taken up some new hobbies. I have been learning to knit, crochet, cross-stitch. And there are the old hobbies I had as a kid playing with Lego’s. We found that Megablocks Probuilder series has some really cool models and they cost quite a bit less then Lego’s super kits.

So I have been doing other things just waiting in the hospital for something to change or be sent home.

As hard as it is to wait God is still in control and it will work out in his perfect time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

So much for daily outings

I have had passes to wonder around but today they took them away so no more walking around in the world outside of these of these four walls. Now I need to find something to fill my my time while we wait.

Yesterday when we went out we had a little more fun and excitement than I had planned for... I saw a picture of the mountains and I had my mom pull off on the side of the freeway so I could get a picture. On the way over to the side of the road we hit some roadside debris, when we got back up to speed we started hearing noises, and a bit later when we stopped at a light we found had a flat tire. Right when I was suppose to be back in the hospital to get the next set of drugs and IV junk. We called for help and Denny my boss at the TV station was on their way to lunch and was right around the corner. So they were able to stop help my mom change the tire and take me to the hospital. Thank you Lord for providing once again for our needs.

So was it worth stopping for the picture?